Unge mennesker foran Christiansborg.

Who are we?

ActionAid Denmark is a movement that fights for a more just and sustainable world. A world without discrimination, climate crises and poverty. We do this in Denmark - and in more than 45 countries around the world.

We work for democracy and influence for vulnerable and underserved people deprived of their rights. We support young people in fighting for their rights. With a strong voice, young people all over the globe can help change the world and build democratic, sustainable societies.

We support young people in developing their voice, and we stand behind them to increase pressure on those in power to create a more just and sustainable world.

The core of our work is cooperation and development work, as well as humanitarian efforts when disaster and crisis strike. We are part of the international association ActionAid, which gives us access to more than 45 countries and direct contact with more than 25 million of the world’s poorest people. 

We have been active in the field since 1944, and we continue, stronger than ever.

Contact us

Do you have any questions or want to get in touch with us?

Here you can find contact information for our member services, Global Contact, facility rentals, our cafés and other relevant information.


Do you want to contact our press relations officer ? You can call or send us an e-mail.

On our press info page, you can also find our spokespeople on specific issues, as well as photos of our work and logo files. 

Jobs AT ActionAid Denmark

Are you interested in working at ActionAid Denmark and joining the fight for a more just and sustainable world?

See our vacancies and learn more about what it is like to work with us. 


ActionAid Denmark is an open member association with both individual members and organizations as members. 

Learn more about ActionAid Denmark, the Council and the Board of Directors.


Do you want to know our strategy for the forthcoming years?