Our Global Work
We are present in 45 countries, where we build communities that fight injustice, poverty and discrimination.
We have a wide range of projects in the Global South, where we collaborate with young activists in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Through our Global Platforms and our local partners we fight to strengthen human rights, combat poverty, promote democracy and secure emergency aid when disaster strikes.
In these three regions millions og people live in extreme poverty, inequality, and war. In recent years these areas also felt the consequences of the West's massive CO2 footprint.
In Denmark we seek to combat discrimination and achieve a fair refugee policy. We want Denmark to recognize the West's impact on climate changes, and we want a government that tackles the climate crises and keeps its international promises.
A Selection of Our Partner Countries
In Bangladesh, we empower the youth with knowledge so they can demand equality and climate justice.We focus particularly on adapting agriculture to climate change and ensuring access to clean drinking water. We work on youth-led capacity building in the world's largest refugee camp, the Cox's Bazar camp, so the youth can provide emergency aid and assist the refugees. Since 2016, we have trained activists in "Young Feminist Leadership" so that young women can demand their rights and fight child marriages.
In Myanmar, we train young activists in youth leadership and activism to fight for women's and the broader civilian population's democratic rights.Thousands of girls are still forced into child marriages. The Muslim minority known as the Rohingyas are facing serious human rights violations such as being displaced from their homes and targeted because of their ethnicity. We are present to equip young people to fight for women's rights and to support the thousands of Rohingyas with emergency and psychological aid. The Rohingyas have suffered persecution, ethnic cleansing, and genocide committed by the military in Myanmar for several years. We are present in the Cox's Bazar camp in Bangladesh - the world's largest refugee camp.
In Gaza and the West Bank, we train young Palestinians to document human rights violations and breaches of humanitarian law. We provide emergency aid when bombs destroy homes and lives.Together with our local partners, we support the civil Palestinians' right to self-determination and the development of a civil society so they can claim and document their rights. Since 1967, the Palestinian territories of Gaza and the West Bank have been illegally occupied by Israel. The blockade in Gaza deprives Palestinian civilians of basic human rights. Half of Gaza's population are children. Following Israel's retaliation against Hamas' terror attack on October 7, the need for emergency aid and rebuilding efforts has never been greater.
In Syria, we help build communities that are resilient to disasters. We train young activists to document human rights violations and torture, and we provide emergency aid when disaster strikes.In February 2023, a deadly earthquake hit Syria and Turkey. In collaboration with our local partners in Syria, we distributed emergency and psychological assistance. Altogether, we reached 197,211 victims of the devastating earthquake.
The Horn of Africa
The Horn of Africa
In the Horn of Africa, we fight for climate justice. Since 2010, extreme drought has ravaged the Horn of Africa. Over 26 million people, half of whom are children, are in life-threatening need of water.We deliver emergency aid such as food, water, and hygiene items, but we also work on long-term solutions. In collaboration with local partners, we strive to make local communities resilient to drought. We also support youth climate activism, so they can call out the countries and actors responsible for the climate crisis.
In Uganda, we work to strengthen young women's right to political participation and to combat corruption and human rights violations.We support young people in documenting state violations of human rights and tax injustice. Uganda is one of 36 countries in Africa where it is illegal to be LGBT+. LGBT+ individuals face persecution, assault, and, in the worst cases, death penalty. We are present to help LGBT+ activists find safety, secure medical assistance, and support them in claiming their rights.
Since the war broke out in February 2022, we have been present in Ukraine. In collaboration with local organizations, we distribute emergency aid when bombs strike, and we offer safe spaces and psychological support.Following Russia's military invasion, eight million Ukrainians have fled to other European countries. Around 40,000 fled to Denmark. Together with the organization Friends of Ukraine, we have created safe spaces, hosted dinner events so they can meet others in similar situations, and offered English lessons. In January 2024 we launched a project aiming to empower young people to strengthen civil society, rebuild what has been destroyed in the war, and secure democratic institutions.
In Zambia, we empower young people, especially women and marginalized groups, to create systematic change in climate justice, women's rights, and civil engagement.Through leadership development and projects that strengthen social cohesion, we support youth-led initiatives that hold the Zambian government accountable and promote sustainable, fair societies. In 2024, Zambia experienced the driest agricultural season in more than 40 years, resulting in significant crop losses, livelihoods, and worsening poverty. We focus on increasing youth engagement in climate challenges, so that young people can play an active role in improving resilience in climate-vulnerable areas and transition to sustainable ways of farming.
In Zimbabwe, we equip young people with knowledge about their social and economic rights and empower them to fight for women's educational opportunities.Due to limited educational opportunities for women, they are at risk of being married off at a young age and becoming homemakers. We influence decision-makers to ensure education and free menstrual products for all women and girls, and we establish safe spaces for women who have experienced sexual violence.
657.000 Rohingya-flygtninge støttet med nød- og psykologhjælp
Siden 2017 er næsten 1 mio. Rohingyaer flygtet fra drab, massiv undertrykkelse og vold i Myanmars Rakhine-stat.
Cox-Bazar-lejren i Bangladesh er verdens største flygtningelejr. Her lever det muslimske mindretal Rohingayer. Vold, tvangsægteskab og massiv statslig undertrykkelse dominerer deres hverdag. 600.000 Rohingya-flygtninge er fortsat nægtet adgang til mad, vand og tag over hovedet.
Vi har etableret trygge rum for kvinder og er til stede med massiv nød- og psykologhjælp. Sammen med aktivister har vi startet det kvindeledede hold 'WATCH' for at forebygge vold mod kvinder i Cox-Bazar-lejren.
Unge sikrer rent drikkevand til deres lokalsamfund
61 år med olieudvining har store klimakonsekvenser i lbeno, Nigeria.
Jorderosion, luft- og vandforurening. En ødelagt fiskeri- og landbrugssektor. Massiv stigning i fattigdom og marginaliserede mennesker. Det er konsekvensen af 61 års olieudvinding.
Vi er til stede i lbeno, hvor vi træner unge aktivister i at kæmpe for deres rettigheder. Det har blandt andet resulteret i, at 25 unge organiserede sig i kampen for rent drikkevand. Deres hårde arbejde førte til vandrensere, og i dag har lokalsamfundet i lbeno rent drikkevand.
Haveprojekt styrker 2666 afghanske husstande
I Jawzjan-provinsen i det nordlige Afghanistan uddanner vi kvinder og personer med handicap i at drive landbrug.
I Afghanistan er det svært at klare sig selv som kvinde, eller hvis man har et handicap. Derfor har vi uddannet kvinder og personer med handicap i at drive landbrug. Vi udleverer de nødvendige redskaber, så de kan skabe deres egen hjemmehave.
Projektet giver personer med handicap og kvinder mulighed for at tjene til eget levebrød og på den måde blive selvforsynende.
Unge går forrest i kampen for demokrati
Vi har skabt et ungenetværk med unge fra Georgien, Ukraine og Moldova.
I Georgien er vold og diskrimination mod kvinder og LGBT+-personer samt mangel på rettigheder et stigende problem. Samtidig mangler der politisk handling på klima- og miljøområdet.
Men nu skal ligestilling, frihedsrettigheder og en grøn fremtid øverst på dagsordenen. Det er målet med vores tværkulturelle projekt, der skal styrke unges demokratiske deltagelse og indflydelse.
Haseena skulle tvangsgiftes. Nu kæmper hun imod børneægteskaber
I Nepal kæmper aktivisten Haseena imod børneægteskaber og for kvinders rettigheder.
Haseena stod til et tvangsægteskab med sin fætter. Men efter hun havde deltaget i vores ungeledede program i kampen mod børneægteskaber, Global Platform Nepal, nægtede hun.
På trods af at hun mistede kontakten til sin familie, er hun nu i uddannelse. Sammen med vores Globale Platform kæmper hun en brav kamp mod børneægteskaber og for lige rettigheder for alle køn.